Monday, September 21, 2015

Sitecore Developer Center - XPath Builder

Sitecore XPath Builder provided a simple tool for searching for Sitecore items by querying them.

The main advantage of XPath Builder is performing searches on production environments where there are installations of Visual Studio with Sitecore Roks.

In Sitecore versions prior to 8, X-Path Builder can be found in "Development Tools/Developer Center/Tools/XPath Builder".

All though XPath Builder has been discontinued from version 7.5, what Sitecore has done is removed to direct access to developer center form Sitecore itself. You could find it using the following URL's.

  • To access developer center
    • http://{site domain}/sitecore/shell/default.aspx?xmlcontrol=IDE

http://{site domain}/sitecore/shell/default.aspx?xmlcontrol=IDE.XPath.Builder

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